A Bibliography of Dispensationalism: Part 1 -- By: Arnold D. Ehlert

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 101:401 (Jan 1944)
Article: A Bibliography of Dispensationalism: Part 1
Author: Arnold D. Ehlert

A Bibliography of Dispensationalism:
Part 1

Arnold D. Ehlert


1. Purpose and Scope.

The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a basis for the study of the doctrinal history of the subject of ages and dispensations. William Cox of England said, “There are few more instructive investigations than the study of religious doctrines.”1

The current use of the term “modern dispensationalism” carries two possible inferences: either that the doctrine of dispensationalism as such is modern, or that the particular type of dispensationalism styled “modern” is quite different from ancient dispensationalism. Those who use the term, however, do not always indicate definitely which inference they mean to imply, beyond that of animadversion. Neither do they indicate the history or the features of ancient dispensationalism and related doctrines, if they admit such. This so-called “modern dispensationalism” is usually dated from Mr. John Nelson Darby (1800–1882) and the Plymouth Brethren of England, or from Dr. Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843–1921), who popularized the doctrine in his preaching, teaching and Bible notes. As to the division, the bibliography will speak for itself.

In addition to this general situation, there is the particular situation in the Presbyterian Church, U.S., with which the readers of this magazine are familiar.2

Further, there are a vast number of sincere Christians

who have come into more or less of the teaching of dispensationalism and its consequent effect upon the interpretation of the Bible. Perhaps many of these have asked themselves, as the compiler has asked himself, “Is dispensationalism just another fad to be superseded or outmoded in another generation or two?”

The present introduction of the whole subject into the field of the history of Christian doctrine will enlarge the basis for the study of the subject, and should facilitate a general grasp of the historical situation with regard to it.3

Biblical exposition of the subject abounds. But there are those who shy away from teaching which is not expressly covered in the creeds and dogmas of the Church, no matter how appealing the Biblical exposition may be.4 To such there will be some comfort in learning that dispensationalism is not too “modern,” and that it was acknowledged, in one form or another, by many able men, whose general teaching is accepted, in different branches of...

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