Editorials -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 101:402 (Apr 1944)
Article: Editorials
Author: Anonymous


After This War What?

Statesmen are wisely concerned with the problem a war-devastated world will present. Distress engenders unrest and the world will be afflicted to a degree that has never been known before in human history. There will be numerous plans proposed and few of them will be free from that peril which may be styled national selfishness. The United States has entered upon a very great mission in behalf of other less favored nations. The enterprise is grand in its objective, but untried and therefore its end as well as its course is beset with perils unknown and unknowable. It is probable that there is no other course that could be pursued and if executed in the spirit of humble unselfishness can be a lesson of immeasurable value to the nations of the world for all time. This is a great humanitarian responsibility; but the true Church of Christ faces a greater demand. As never before the door will be open for the Gospel. Great fields now closed will be calling for spiritual help. Had there been foresight and enterprise within the Christian community, had there been a passion to carry the Gospel to the lost, ten thousand young people would have been called out, commissioned, and prepared to enter these open doors. As it is, there will be every satanic invention at work and the millions who would have welcomed the glorious message of redeeming grace will through despair, starvation, and evil leadership be lost forever. A call should be extended now, though so late in time, for men and women to go as heralds of the grace of God. Much prayer should be offered. If ever it were true that the fields are “white already to harvest,” it is now, and if ever it was required that prayers should be made to the Lord of the harvest to “thrust forth labourers into his harvest,” it is now.

Lewis Sperry Chafer

Past and Present

The hour before and the present hour are never to be separated in our thinking. They have the intimate relationship of cause and effect. This, indeed, is a truism, but who among us has never felt in need of being reminded that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal 6:7)? The unknown future is molded by the present, as the current moment itself was fashioned by the past.

Take as a fit subject for contemplation here the world war raging now. Pride and aggression brought on the conflict with its indescribable effects. The guilty, doubtless, are to be found in places of Axis leadership. But are such individuals the only sinful people? What of the prayerless in the high (or low) places of Allied powers? How about those who glory in war profits and think of post-war supremacy or m...

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