The Christian and World Affairs Part I: Where Is Your Church? -- By: Clyde W. Taylor

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 122:486 (Apr 1965)
Article: The Christian and World Affairs Part I: Where Is Your Church?
Author: Clyde W. Taylor

The Christian and World Affairs
Part I:
Where Is Your Church?

Clyde W. Taylor

[Clyde W. Taylor, General Director, Office of Public Affairs, National Association of Evangelicals.]

With the rapid growth of world communication, and the increased interest in developments in the nations of the world, few topics should be of greater interest than the one chosen for this series of lectures. Few evangelicals have written on this theme and books on the subject are scarce or nonexistent.

Leaders in the ecumenical movement have written widely regarding the place of the church in world affairs and in these there are occasional chapters delineating the place and function of the Christian within the church, but, as noted, few evangelicals have dealt with this theme.

The area under discussion is one that has involved the functions and interest of the National Association of Evangelicals for two decades in a practical way. Therefore, the topic will be discussed with emphasis on the practical and experimental.

Certain words used in this discussion should be defined as follows:

Evangelical: A born-again man or woman who believes in the fundamentals of Christian truth at least to a minimal statement such as the N.A.E. statement of faith.

Ecumenical: The term is used to indicate those who accept the program and policies of the World Council of Churches together with its rather nebulous theological stance.

Church: When used in connection with the word ecumenical, it refers to their concept of the organized church body or bodies within their orbit. In the evangelical sense, it has in view the body of Christ. Otherwise it will be specified.

Scripture justification for this series of lectures may be

Matthew 28:19: “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations,” that is, “Go into every area of world affairs.”

The average pastor frequently is asked the question, Where is your church? The normal answer is the address of the church building. This fact explains to a large degree the localization of the religious life of the average Christian. This fact also makes necessary the consideration of our theme, “The Christian and World Affairs,” for the normal answer places the center of Christian interest in a building. This is completely unbiblical.

Early in 1964 Dr. Richard Halverson spoke at our government seminar for pastors and laymen. His answer to the above question goes something like this. “Where is my church? Let me...

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