Why Talk About Creation? -- By: Robert Goette

Journal: Bible and Spade (Second Run)
Volume: BSPADE 03:2 (Spring 1990)
Article: Why Talk About Creation?
Author: Robert Goette

Why Talk About Creation?

Bob Goette

Is it important to accept the Genesis account of creation as factual—as God’s revelation to man as to how He did it?

Yes, it is important what one believes about the reliability of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Genesis tells us of the beginnings—how the world and man got the way they are, and thus we can understand why there is a need for a Messiah—a Savior, Jesus Christ. As we proceed through the Bible, we find how it all fits together, and how God is working out His purposes until we can experience the wonderful fellowship which Adam and Eve once had in a perfectly created world before they rebelled against God.

There seem to be only two ways to look at creation: (a) it came about by chance; matter in and of itself became more and more organized until finally man evolved, or (b) it was done by God. There are, of course, modifications to each of these positions, but all boil down to either (a) evolution or (b) creation. The problems with theistic evolution, what some call a good compromise position, will be cited later. “Evolution” referred to in this article means macroevolution or the “molecules to man” concept, and not changes between populations (i.e., different breeds of cows), often called “variation” (or “microevolution” by evolutionists).

It is often stated that evolution is scientific while creation is not scientific, but is rather a faith. Science can only legitimately deal with things which can be observed repeatedly. It can make educated guesses about what might have happened or even predict what might have happened, but there is no way a human can know what actually happened since origins (creation) was not observed by any human. Just because an experimentis done in the laboratory today does not mean that it happened that way in the beginning. There is no way the original creation can be repeated. Both creation and evolution are faiths, and should properly be called “creationism” and “evolutionism.” This does not mean that scientific work is unimportant, but only that its limitations must be recognized.

If science (man’s work) cannot provide answers to creation (origins), then we must turn to God’s revelation to man, the Bible. God’s Word contains 3808 different expressions of confirmation that it has recorded God’s own words. Genesis is basic to the understanding of the rest of the Bible. In that

book are teachings about the origins of many things such as the universe, the solar system, the atmosphere and hydrosphere, life, man, marriage, evil, language, government, the chosen people—just to mention a few...

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