Book Reviews -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Central Bible Quarterly
Volume: CENQ 05:2 (Summer 1962)
Article: Book Reviews
Author: Anonymous

Book Reviews

THE FREE CHURCH, by Franklin- Hamlin Littell (Starr King Press, Boston, 1957, 171 pp., S6.00).

Here’ is another welcome volume from a resourceful and scholarly- champion of the viewpoint of the free churches, in which he considers the significance of the “Left Wing” of; the ‘Reformation for modern American Protestantism and views the problems of those churches, under various conditions evidenced in history. The free churches and political self-government is given a chapter; as is the subject the free-church vs. “American Religion”, and the free church vs. totalitarianism, another. Says the author: “The True Church was a visible and disciplined Community, and not spiritualized …”; and again, “…the spiritualizers are today, as they have been for four hundred years in almost unchanged form, a disintegrating and destructive factor of major importance to the Free Churches.” Attacking “American Religion,” Dr. .Littell says, “When the churches settle down and attempt to avoid giving offense they are justly subject to criticism. The true preacher does not produce peace of mind for those who ‘sleep on beds of ivory’; he is much more apt to be denounced—at least once in a while—as a troubler in Israel. Considering the threat of modern totalitarianism, the author sees the churches that have relinquished Bible preaching and Bible faith falling easy pray to totalitarian religion of sentiment and confusion. He says, “The shift from the Bible to Utopian thought is evident, but apparently this fits neatly into pacifist assumptions.” For proof he quotes from a ten year old Fellowship of Reconciliation book: “We who call ourselves pacifists and try to be Christians, have faith in the fundamental sanity and goodness of ordinary people in all countries.” Every page is provocative of thought and should be bought and pondered by the thinker.

Dr. M. J. Hollowood

HOW TO WIN OVER COMMUNISM, by Max Morris (Zondervan. Publ. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1962, 63 pp., $1.00).

As printed public messages, these six chapters are clear presentations that everyone can understand and appreciate, If one can read only one book on communism, this one certainly should be it. With the conviction of an evangelist, this author calls for true conversion and full dedication as the only force capable of meeting the demonic advances of those who expect to control the United States by 1973.

Prof. Warren Vanhetloo

EXPOSITORY NOTES ON THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, by W. A. Criswell (Zondervan Publ. House, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1961, 168 pp., $2.95).

In keeping with his deserved classification as one of the great preachers of modern times, Criswell has written a narrative commentary that breathes the spiri...

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