Book Reviews -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Central Bible Quarterly
Volume: CENQ 17:4 (Winter 1974)
Article: Book Reviews
Author: Anonymous

Book Reviews

Armstrongism by Dr. Robert L. Sumner (Brownsburg, Ind., Biblical Evangelism Press, 1974, 424 pages, $5.95) presents first factual information about the growth of the “Worldwide Church of God,” the radio program and Ambassador College, the rise of Herbert W. Armstrong and the fall of Garner Ted Armstrong. Then Armstrong teaching about God, salvation, life after death, money, etc. in fifteen excellent chapters is presented. Dr. Sumner has done a thorough and commendable job, firmly grounded on the revealed Word, as he exposed Armstrong teaching and practices.

—Richard V Clearwaters

The World That Perished by John C. Whitcomb, Jr. (Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1973, 155 pages, paper, $1.95) is a companion study to an earlier book by the same author, The Early Earth. It is a sequel to but not repititious of The Genesis Flood. The book enlarges on certain topics covered in The Genesis Flood giving more recent data and handling some of the problems that have arisen.

Whitcomb consistently champions the verbal inerrancy and final authority of the Bible. Answering numerous objections to The Genesis Flood that have come over the past twelve years or so, the author makes very clear that no one to date has shown from Scripture that the great flood was not universal or that creation was not comparatively recent. All objections against these fundamental Biblical premises rest on uniformitarian scientific, pseudo-scientific or emotional bases, and these bases are not legitimate hermeneutical tools.

The last chapter cogently frames the real issue in the Bible-science debate: is the Bible truly God’s Word? It is ably shown that the alternatives finally resolve into faith or unbelief in the Bible; the word of Christ and the apostles (and numerous Old Testament authors) or that of uniformitarian historical geologists; a perspicuous self-authenticating Bible or the assertions of certain scientists; God or man. A denial that Genesis 1–11 is historical but instead is existential, poetical or mythical leads to a denial of the historical bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thus the shadows of apostasy cast themselves over those schemes, although devised by well-meaning evangelicals, which reject the universal, catastrophic

and miraculous nature of the Noahic Deluge.

The book is recommended highly.

—Rolland D. McCune

Armageddon by John F. Walvoord and John E. Walvoord (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1974, 207 pages, paper, $1.75) is a very interesting, if not fascinating, book on Bible prophecy. It deals ...

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