Editor’s Preface -- By: David E. Lanier

Journal: Faith and Mission
Volume: FM 24:1 (Fall 2006)
Article: Editor’s Preface
Author: David E. Lanier

Editor’s Preface

David E. Lanier

This volume of Faith and Mission contains articles intended to aid our readers fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through their individual ministries. The first submission is by Douglas C. Estes and is entitled, “The Shepherd’s Door: An Incarnational Reading of John 10:1-5.” Estes’s fresh approach represents a reading of Scripture that resolves rather than raises questions.

Second in the lineup is Mark Liederbach’s “An Ethical Perspective on Cloning: Reproduction, Therapy, and Idolatry.” Liederbach assists our readers in developing a scriptural response to our society’s uncritical acceptance of “the end justifies the means.” Third is John S. Bohannon’s article, “Persuasive Preaching: The Role of Ethos,” a fresh approach to improving preaching and its relevance to contemporary congregations.

The fourth and fifth submissions involve dealing with problem passages. Shawn C. Madden investigates an Old Testament textual conundrum with “First Kings 11:31 and 12:20-21: Josephus and the Constitution of the Divided Monarchy.” Finally, Ronald F. Satta investigates the oft-repeated claim that the doctrine of inerrancy is a relative newcomer to theological studies and therefore not properly pedigreed (although ironically modernists often resort to the “new is better; old is passe” mantra when it serves their cause du jour). He exposes both their unproven presuppositions and their unhistorical conclusions and demonstrates that inerrancy was being espoused long before the “originators” came upon the scene.

In sum, these contributions will assist us all in becoming better interpreters of Scripture, preachers, and practitioners of the Way. May God richly bless the reading and acting upon His Word, and may the Name of Christ be glorified and His kingdom furthered. As the ancient Christian catacomb inscription so well stated, “All that is not given is lost.”

David E. Lanier
Editor, Faith and Mission

Editor’s Note: In Faith and Mission 23.3 (Summer 2006): 110, a quotation mark was inadvertently misplaced. In Brian Daniels’s review of Geisler and Douglass, Bringing Your Faith to Work (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005), the second paragraph beginning, “We have been negligent in training Christian businesspeople in apologetics” and concluding, “It is time that we adapt our language and concepts in ways that can be grasped and used by the ‘person in the street’ “should have been placed in quotation marks (Geisler and Douglass, 39). It is not original with Mr. Daniels. The block formatting was lost in translation betwee...

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