Editor’s Preface -- By: David E. Lanier

Journal: Faith and Mission
Volume: FM 24:2 (Spring 2007)
Article: Editor’s Preface
Author: David E. Lanier

Editor’s Preface

David E. Lanier

The current issue of Faith and Mission begins with Timothy Bridges’s contribution, “Tyndale’s Virtues.” Bridges examines the life and ministry of the famous Bible translator William Tyndale and notes why all English-speaking Christians should thank the Lord for such a legacy. Second, David Jones’s “The Ethics of Taxation: A Biblical Precis” reviews the biblical record concerning taxation and believers’ obligation.

Next Paul Harrison’s “Competing Accounts of the Baptist’s Demise: Josephus Versus the Gospels” contrasts the Synoptic accounts with that of Josephus and presents a well-timed warning against forcing Scripture to conform with secular accounts. Scott Coley’s philosophical essay, “The Logical Problem of Evil” presents a new approach to an old conundrum, and finally Dan Heimbach’s “Schaeffer on Sex Today” applies Francis Schaeffer’s teachings from the 1970s to a new generation and finds them apropos.

It is hoped that our readers will find each of these submissions interesting and that they will lead each of us to a closer study of God’s Word and help us to give an account of the faith that lies within.

David E. Lanier

Editor, Faith and Mission

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