Profiling Christian Masculinity -- By: Stuart W. Scott

Journal: Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Volume: JBMW 09:2 (Fall 2004)
Article: Profiling Christian Masculinity
Author: Stuart W. Scott

Profiling Christian Masculinity1

Stuart W. Scott

Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College Santa Clarita, California

A biblical worldview must definitely encompass one’s view of men and women. Basic beliefs about who each sex is and what each should be like greatly impacts one’s own gender evaluations as well as the shaping of boys and girls, the education of young men and women, the success of marriages, the effectiveness of the church in the world, and even the stability of society. One’s view of a man or a woman affects attitudes, character, and interaction with one another.

In some very key ways, men and women are the same but they were not created to be exactly the same: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). There are not only opposing opinions over whether or not there is any significant difference between the sexes, but also over what those differences really are. Surely, Christians need a clear understanding of what distinguishes a man from a woman according to their Creator. The focus of this article will be devoted to understanding what true masculinity is and is not. The question of how a man knows whether he is a real man or not will be discovered from Scripture.

Imagine this topic being discussed on one of America’s most prestigious college campuses. The ideas expressed would be as varied as the many strong opinions found there. One might hear, “A man should be macho and self-reliant,” while another may say, “A man should be interdependent and sensitive.” Others might insist, “A real man must be romantic,” while still others would offer, “All boys should be raised to be good at sports in order to express their masculinity and relate to other men.” Perhaps another would say, “Aman’s man is successful and a leader,” while someone else may interject, “A respected man sees himself as an equal—a non-leader, a fifty-fifty partner.” Another student could possibly declare, “A man is not a man unless he can rule his family without any questioning from them.” How can there be so many opinions among supposedly learned individuals? There are at least two key reasons: the sinfulness of man and the loss of absolutes.

Sinfulness Affects One’s Concept of Masculinity

The history of the world’s concept of masculinity is a sad commentary of how far man had strayed from God’s original intent. It is a confusing and disappointing history. In the beginning, of course, God created the man at his best—Adam. He, being created by the perfect Creator, was the epitome of true masculinity. However, shortly after Adam’s cr...

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