Book Reviews -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Volume: JETS 09:3 (Summer 1966)
Article: Book Reviews
Author: Anonymous

Book Reviews

Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 2 vols., by John Murray. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959, 1965. Vol. I, 408 pages, $5.00. Vol. II, 286 pages, $5.00. Reviewed by J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo.

All Bible-loving people should rejoice at the completion of Professor Murray’s great commentary on Romans. Dr. F. F. Bruce, who is the general editor of the series of which this work is a part, aptly remarks, “I do esteem it a high honour to be associated editorially with a work of this high quality—the work, moreover, of a fellow-Scot who worthily maintains the noble tradition of theological exegesis which has for long been one of the glories of our native land.”

From the point of view of the writer of this review, Professor Murray’s commentary is particularly valuable. He has long been known as anti-chiliast, but he very clearly and emphatically brings out the fact that in Paul’s eschatology there is definitely a future for ethnic Israel. Professor Murray does not obscure the fact that the hope of this created world is to he realized in a period of blessedness after the Lord’s return (8:21). Moreover, in the discussion of Christian liberty in Chapter 15, there is no obscuring of the positive ethical principles which have become dear to the heart of many of us.

The Future of South Africa, A Study by British Christians, ed. by T. A. Beetham, London: SCM, 1965. Pp. 176. 15/0. Reviewed by Warren Woolsey, Sierra Leone Bible College, Freetown, West Africa.

This study in depth of the racial situation in South Africa was prepared by a special working party convened by the British Council of Churches. The party with its consultants numbered twenty-eight, and included church and mission leaders, administrators, educators and experts in African affairs. The report reflects their wealth of experience and depth of understanding.

The paperback volume consists chiefly of an introduction, which indicates the general trend of the report and summarizes the conclusions reached; the report proper, which delineates the racial situation in South Africa especially with respect to economics, politics and religion, discusses proposed solutions and considers possible ways of persuading the South African Government to accept a just solution, and recommends specific actions by the British Government and Churches; and a series of appendices, which range from a moving quotation from Martin Luther King to summaries of education ordinances, labor practices and apartheid legislation.

The report is straightforward, objective, and yet somehow there comes throu...

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