Bibliography -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Volume: JETS 11:4 (Fall 1968)
Article: Bibliography
Author: Anonymous


Anderson, William. An Apology for Millennial Doctrine in the Form in Which it was Entertained by the Primitive Church. Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1840.

Bethune-Baker, James Franklin. An Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine. London: Methuen & CO., 1923.

Bickersteth, Edward. A List of the Principle Books on the Subject of Prophecy. Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1841.

Brightman, Thomas. The Workers of That Famous, Reverend and Learned Divine, Mr. Tho. Brightman...London: Samuel Cartwright, 1644.

Brook, Benjamin. The Lives of the Puritans. London: James Black, 1813.

Brooks, Joshua William. Elements of Prophetical Interpretation. Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1841.

Broughton, Hugh. A Concent of Scripture. London: 1590.

Brown, Louise F. The Political Activities of the Baptists and Fifth Monarchy Men in England During the Interregnum. Washington: American Historical Association, 1912.

Case, Shirley Jackson. The Millennial Hope. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1918.

Cassirer, Ernst. The Platonic Renaissance in England. trans. James P. Pettegrove. Austin: University of Texas, 1953.

Cohen, Alfred. “The Kingdom of God in Puritan Thought: A Study of the English Puritan Quest for the Fifth Monarchy.” Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Indiana University, 1961.

Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium. London: Mercury Books, 1962.

Colie, Rosalie L. Light and Enlightenment: A Study of the Cambridge Platonists and the Dutch Arminians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957.

Cooper, Charles Henry and Cooper, Thompson. Athenae Cantabrigiensis. Cambridge: The Macmillan Co., 1861.

Cox, John. A Millenarian’s Answer of the Hope that is in Him; or, a brief Statement and Defence of the Doctrine of Christ’s Pre-Millennial Advent and Personal Reign on Earth. Philadelphia: Orrin Rogers, 1840.

Crawford, John Oliver. “The, Impact of Puritanism on Education.” Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado, 1956.

Dawson, Christopher, et. al. Saint Augustine. New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1957.

Drysdale, Albert. History of the Presbyterians in England: Their Rise, Decline and Revival. London: Publication Committee of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1889.

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