Book Reviews -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Journal of Ministry and Theology
Volume: JMAT 19:1 (Spring 2015)
Article: Book Reviews
Author: Anonymous

Book Reviews

Messiah’s Coming Temple: Ezekiel’s Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple. John W. Schmitt and J. Carl Laney. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2014. 248 pages. $16.99.

This premillennial work elucidates the messianic temple of Ezekiel 40–48. Schmitt is the executive director of Future Hope Ministries ( Laney serves as professor of biblical literature at Western Seminary. The revised version adds three new chapters: “Ezekiel’s Temple and Archaeology” (chap. 5), “Predictions of a Different Temple” (chap. 6), and “Can Sacrifices Be Part of a Future Temple?” (chap. 12).

The volume excels in its treatment of the temple architecture and complex. The authors contend that the sacred allotment of 48:9–10, measured by reeds, covers about fifty square miles, whereas the measurement by cubits yields an area of about eight square miles (166). Archaeology informs Schmitt’s and Laney’s understanding of the barrier wall in 40:12 (65–67) and the side pillars in verse 14 (70–71). Additionally, the southern and northern halves of the temple are symmetrical, with one exception: the northward-facing Zadokite chamber of 40:44 (104, fig. 8.2; 110–12). Following the MT, Schmitt and Laney locate this chamber beside the “eastern” entrance rather than beside the LXX’s “southern” entrance in order to better accommodate the priest in his procession toward the alter (233–35). Numerous architectural drawings and photos enable the reader to visualize the temple.

Notable interpretations emerge. The authors anticipate two future temples—a tribulation temple and a millennial temple (222). Ezekiel’s temple will rest on the site of the Temple Mount, but the city will relocate southward (169). Christ’s glorious throne in Matthew 25:31 refers to the temple throne of Ezekiel 43:7 (235). Genesis 9:27 reads, “May God enlarge Japheth, and let Him [God] dwell in the tents of Shem” (23–24, 30). When Peter witnessed the transfigured trio, perhaps he thought the kingdom had come, and with Zechariah 14:16 in mind, offered

to build three tabernacles to celebrate the joyous kingdom festival, the Feast of Tabernacles (179n6).

The authors present five principal interpretations of Ezekie...

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