We Believe In: The Lord’s Supper -- By: Arthur L. Farstad

Journal: Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Volume: JOTGES 04:1 (Spring 1991)
Article: We Believe In: The Lord’s Supper
Author: Arthur L. Farstad

We Believe In:
The Lord’s Supper

Arthur L. Farstad

Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Dallas, Texas

I. Introduction

Several years ago I was invited to a Saturday dinner that ended in a doctrinal debate. I have never liked religious arguments or debates, and I feared that the dramatis personae of this dinner—four members of our church and two active ultra—dispensationalist gentlemen1 —could only lead to our locking horns. The hostess was the author of the “Song of Grace” article in this issue of the Journal, her husband was the host, and the guests were the two men mentioned, a classical “disc jockey” noted for his ability to debate issues (now a missionary in Austria), and myself.

After a very good dinner the persons of our little doctrinal drama took their positions and we went at it till the wee hours of the morning.

I do not remember much about the arguments or discussion, except that the main topic was whether we should celebrate the Lord’s Supper today or whether it was just a rite for the “Jewish Church” in the early part of Acts. Being raised by a father who took me to communion every Sunday and early taught me its great importance for spiritual growth, I had to get into this fray whether I wanted to or not!2

Though we did outnumber our ultra-dispensationalist brothers at the “dinner-debate,” they were obviously very well-trained in debating the issue at hand. The main argument for our belief that the Lord’s Supper is for today rested on the words in 1 Cor 11:25–26: “‘This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.”

Our argument: “till He comes”—He hasn’t come yet, so we should keep on remembering Him in His own appointed way until then. As far as we were concerned, no argument could shake those verses.

An illustration that may help us is that the Lord’s Supper is similar to a photograph of the Lord that we can keep near us to look at frequently to remind us of Him. When He comes we will then indeed no longer need the picture (the elements) since we will have Him in person.

I can remember the Lord’s Supper meeting the next day after our dinner/doctrinal debate. We who had countered a verbal attack on the Supper as a carnal “Jewish” rite (I believe we were even said to be sinning” by obse...

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