Bibliography -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Reformation and Revival
Volume: RAR 04:3 (Summer 1995)
Article: Bibliography
Author: Anonymous


Burns, James. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1960. A useful volume written by a nineteenth-century Scot leader. This volume has much helpful material for the modern reader. Out of print presently.

*Bushman, Richard L. (Editor). The Great Awakening: Documents on the Revival of religion, 1740–45. New York: Atheneum, 1970. A major resource for those who would seriously consider important documents from the Great Awakening period itself.

Crawford, Michael J. Seasons of Grace: Colonial New England’s Revival Tradition in Its British Context. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Part of the Religion in America series edited by Harry Stout of Yale University. Academic and of real value only to scholars of the period.

*Dallimore, Arnold. George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival (Two Volumes). Edinburgh, Scotland: Banner of Truth, 1970, 1979. Far and away the most important biographical account of the great preacher and the Great Awakening. All church leaders should be urged to read these two large books. I make it a pattern to read these volumes every few years!

Edwards, Brian. Revival! A People Saturated with God. Darlington, Co. Durham, England: Evangelical Press, 1990. A wonderfully helpful contemporary book that addresses the issues of awakening theologically and practically.

*Edwards, Jonathan. Religious Affections (Edited by John Smith). New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1959. The annotated and full edition in the Yale series which is, quite simply, the most important written work to come out of the

Great Awakening. One that should still be consulted carefully and used wisely today.

*Edwards, Jonathan. The Great Awakening (Edited by C. C. Goen). New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1972. Volume Four in the Yale series which includes A Faith Narrative, The Distinguishing Marks, Some Thoughts Concerning the Revival, Letters Relating to the Revival and Preface to True Religion by Joseph Bellamy. These are the core of works the great theologian produced in defense of the Great Awakening during the times of God’s great visitation. If you wish to get the essence of some of this material in a shorter and less expensive format get the Banner of Truth edition, Edwards on Revival.

Ellsworth, Roger. Come Down, Lord! Edinburgh, Scotland: Banner of Truth, 1988. A succinct and simple treatment of the theme of revival by a pastor with a writing gift.

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