Suffering In Revelation: The Fulfillment Of The Messianic Woes -- By: James M. Hamilton, Jr.

Journal: Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
Volume: SBJT 17:4 (Winter 2013)
Article: Suffering In Revelation: The Fulfillment Of The Messianic Woes
Author: James M. Hamilton, Jr.

Suffering In Revelation:
The Fulfillment Of The Messianic Woes

James M. Hamilton, Jr.

James M. Hamilton, Jr. is Associate Professor of Biblical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, where he also earned his Ph.D.

He is the author of numerous articles and books such as God’s Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments (B&H, 2006), God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment (Crossway, 2010), Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches (Crossway, 2012), What is Biblical Theology? A Guide to the Bible’s Story, Symbolism, and Patterns (Crossway, 2014). Dr. Hamilton also serves as the Teaching Pastor of Kenwood Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky.

In Revelation, John writes as one in affliction (Rev 1:9), to churches in affliction (e.g., 2:10, 13), about the affliction that will take place before kingdom come (see esp. Rev 11-13). The contention of this essay is that John sees the affliction in which he is a “brother and fellow partaker” (1:9) as the outworking of the Messianic Woes that must be fulfilled prior to the consummation of all things.1 To establish this, we will begin with a summary of the indications of end times tribulation, the Messianic Woes, in Daniel, cross-pollinating this discussion with consideration of how various New Testament authors interpreted Daniel, before considering how John interprets these realities in Revelation.2 In this essay, I am attempting to do biblical theology by pursuing the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. As followers of Jesus, once we understand the perspective he taught his apostles,3 our responsibility is to make their perspective our own.4

The Messianic Woes In Daniel And The New Testament

The idea of the Messianic Woes stems from passages such as Daniel 7:25-27, 8:9-14, 9:24-27, and 11:31-12:3. These paradigmatic Old Testament texts indicate that God’s people will be persecuted and suffer before being vindicated through resurrection to receive the kingdom. There is a four kingdom schema set forth in

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