Some Practical Geological Problems in the Application of the Mature Creation Doctrine -- By: Davis A. Young

Journal: Westminster Theological Journal
Volume: WTJ 35:3 (Spring 1973)
Article: Some Practical Geological Problems in the Application of the Mature Creation Doctrine
Author: Davis A. Young

Some Practical Geological Problems in the Application of the Mature Creation Doctrine

Davis A. Young

All Scripture is God-breathed. Inasmuch as God is the Truth Himself and cannot lie or err, all Scripture must likewise be free from deception and error. This full trustworthiness applies as much to the realms of history and science as to the realms of doctrine, faith, and life.

The Christian is one who lives out of Scripture. He ought to apply Scripture logically and consistently not only to the narrowly religious sphere but to the totality of his life. Scripture provides an account of the origin and history of the earth. Therefore the Christian geologist has the solemn responsibility of applying the facts and principles of the Biblical record to the actual geological phenomena of the earth, just as much as he has the responsibility of applying Acts 15 to his views on church government or Ephesians 5 to his married life. Genesis 1 is as reliable and free from error as are Acts 15 and Ephesians 5.

However, considerable disagreement exists among Christian people as to what facts and principles are taught in Scripture about the origin and history of the earth. Hence the Christian geologist must face the problem of the manner in which he should approach his study of the planet upon which God has placed him. Some Christians maintain that the Biblical account of origins is semipoetic or figurative and that it does not intend to teach us scientific facts about earth history. On the basis of such an interpretation some Christian geologists are theistic evolutionists. Other Christians believe that Genesis one and two are strictly historical, but that the “days” may be interpreted as long periods of time. Such an interpretation permits other Christian geologists to view the earth as being old and having undergone geological development without requiring them to subscribe to the general theory of organic evolution. Such is the

progressive creationist position. Yet a third interpretation among Christians is that of recent mature creation of the universe in six 24-hour days. Scientists holding to this view might be termed strict or mature creationists.

Numerous exegetical arguments for and against various interpretations of the Biblical account of origins have been presented elsewhere.1 Hence we are not presently concerned to become involved in exegetical considerations. We believe that Scripture does not permit t...

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