The Field Is the World -- By: George McKillop Cowan

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 100:399 (Jul 1943)
Article: The Field Is the World
Author: George McKillop Cowan

The Field Is the World

George McKillop Cowan

“Lift Up Your Eyes and Look”
(John 4:35)

This is a study in practical theology. Perhaps it will not be couched in the recognized terminology of theological circles, but it will be none the less theological, if we understand by that term an orderly, logical arrangement and presentation of the truth of God. It will be practical we trust in that it presents the facts of the Word of God which should be determining factors in the life and service of every Christian.

The study grew out of the writer’s personal experience in discovering the Lord’s will for his own life. Confronted by several open doors, beset by a complicated and bewildering set of circumstances, having, so far as he knew his own heart, a completely open mind on the question, yet, for several weeks finding no certainty in prayer but rather a crowding in of many diverse impressions, he was cast back upon one thing whereby to check and determine the will of God for his own life, namely, the Word of God itself. As day after day, often for hours at a time, he searched the Scriptures, prayed and meditated upon them, earnestly sought the Lord’s enlightenment as to His Word and will, the truth presented in this paper, though by no means new, was borne in upon his heart with a new conviction of its vital importance for himself, and for every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, confronted with the challenging questionings of Christian young people among whom he worked, many of whom, facing graduation from high school, had a deep desire to know and do the Lord’s will, the writer found that this line of truth more and more forced itself into the picture as that which God would have presented to such seeking

young people so that their decisions would be according to His Word.

Serving as pastor of a small community church which had been torn to pieces, upset, and bewildered by church feuds, the writer preached this truth. As the Holy Spirit blessed the Word preached many of the believers came to a new understanding of God’s purpose in this age, were marvellously united together in a new desire to get the job done, and, with a new united passion for lost souls everywhere, petty local differences were laid aside, bickerings ceased, individual lives were quickened, and the whole corporate life of the church was richly blessed. Missionary interest increased until the people knew and prayed by name for missionaries on every continent of the world. Offerings for missions tripled. Young people earnestly sought God’s will for their lives and gladly made full dedication of themselves to do God’s will whenever and wherever He sho...

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