A Bibliography of Dispensationalism -- By: Arnold D. Ehlert

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 102:407 (Jul 1945)
Article: A Bibliography of Dispensationalism
Author: Arnold D. Ehlert

A Bibliography of Dispensationalism

Arnold D. Ehlert

(Continued from the April-June Number, 1945)

{Editor’s note: The footnotes in the original printed edition were numbered from 47–68, here in the electronic edition numbered from 1–22, respectively.}

Burlington B. Wale, British philologist and prophetic student, has a very important treatment of the dispensations in his book, The Closing Days of Christendom. Three chapters are devoted to various aspects of the subject: VI, “‘Purpose,’ ‘Age,’ and ‘Dispensation,’“; VII, “The Silent Juncture of Eras”; and VIII, “The Aspects of Dying Dispensations.” In the first he distinguishes between an age and a dispensation as follows: “An ‘age’ is a period the commencement and close of which are distinguished by great physical changes taking place in the earth and its atmosphere. An ‘age’ may therefore comprise within it many ‘dispensations.’ A ‘dispensation’ has reference to the moral government of God, in its manifest action upon, and interposition in, the affairs of man.”1 He sees three ages:

I- Completion of creation to the deluge

II- Noah’s emergence from the ark to the Second Advent of the Redeemer

III- Millennial age, a thousand years.

Three is the number of “constitutional completeness.” Three statements are made in the Bible concerning these ages: (1) “They were constituted for Christ” (Heb 1:2); (2) “That to the principalities, Governments, and powers (authorities) in the heavenlies might be made known, through the Church,

the much diversified wisdom of God, according to a ‘plan of the ages’ which he formed for Christ Jesus our Lord”; (3) “The last of the three ages, the age to come, He hath not put into subjection to the angels, but in immediate subjection to Christ” (Heb 2:5).2

The dispensations are outlined as follows:

I- Edenic

II- Antediluvian

III- Patriarchal

IV- Legal

V- Evangelical, earthly ministry of Christ

VI- Ecclesiastical, Pentecost to the death of the last of the apostles

(VII)- Christian or Gospel dispensation

VII (or VIII)- Millennial.3

In connection with the so-called seventh dispensa...

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