Lucan Theology in Contemporary Perspective -- By: F. Duane Lindsey

Journal: Bibliotheca Sacra
Volume: BSAC 125:500 (Oct 1968)
Article: Lucan Theology in Contemporary Perspective
Author: F. Duane Lindsey

Lucan Theology in Contemporary Perspective

F. Duane Lindsey

[F. Duane Lindsey, Instructor in Systematic Theology, Registrar, Dallas Theological Seminary.]

“Biblical Theology is that branch of theological science which deals systematically with the historically conditioned progress of the self-revelation of God as deposited in the Bible.”1 Lucan Theology, then, involves the systematic investigation of the writings of Luke to determine the manner in which this portion of God’s Word was conditioned by the historical circumstances of its writing. What was Luke’s purpose in writing? Why did he select the particular material which is contained in his Gospel and the book of Acts? How is Luke’s contribution of information about the ministry of Christ and the apostolic message of the church to be evaluated? It is the purpose of this article to seek answers to such questions by a brief introduction to Lucan Theology in contemporary perspective.

The Importance of Lucan Theology

Since 1950, Lucan Theology has become a storm-center in New Testament studies. The current interest in the writings and thoughts of Luke is not without good cause. A number of factors converge to account for the importance of Lucan Theology.

Central to the importance of Lucan Theology is the fact that the Lucan writings deal with those themes which form the very heart of Christianity, namely, the person and work of Jesus Christ. The message which is identified as the gospel is set forth in the Lucan writings as to its content and its communication. The Gospel of Luke treats primarily the content of

the gospel in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The book of Acts sets forth the communication of the gospel through the preaching of the apostles. The universal availability of a resurrected Redeemer and ever-present Lord is central to the theology of Luke and is a leading factor in the significance of Lucan Theology.

Another factor contributing to the importance of Lucan Theology is the mere extent of the Lucan writings. The two longest books in the New Testament are Luke and Acts, in that order, Matthew running a close third. The Lucan writings, comprising one-fourth of the New Testament, are the longest contribution of any New Testament writer, being even more extensive than the combined writings of Paul.

The Lucan writings contain a wealth of material which is not found elsewhere in Scripture. This unique contribution of material obviously increases the importance of Lucan Theology. Luke’s Gospel contains much unique material in the birth narratives, certain parabolic discourses, and ...

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