For Young Paleontologists Mammoths -- By: Gary A. Byers

Journal: Bible and Spade (Second Run)
Volume: BSPADE 14:3 (Summer 2001)
Article: For Young Paleontologists Mammoths
Author: Gary A. Byers

For Young Paleontologists

Gary A. Byers

ORDER—Proboscidea FAMILY—Elephantidae GENUS AND SPECIES—Mammuth primigenius

Probably the most famous species of Mammoths are the Siberian Mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius). Commonly called Woolly Mammoths, that name is not really correct. These creatures were not actually woolly, but they were hairy. Although it is often thought that these Woolly/Hairy Mammoths are the ancestors of our modern hairless elephants, biological evidence indicates they are really cousins. Mammoths have 58 chromosomes, and elephants have 56 chromosomes. DNA research suggests that elephants and mammoths were probably both on Noah’s ark. God probably brought one male and female pair of each animal to Noah. After the Flood, all the different species would have descended from the elephant and mammoth pairs.

Unlike most fossilized remains we have, mammoth remains are far more than just bones. Having been quickly frozen in the Siberian Arctic permafrost, complete animals are found with bones—flesh, tissue, fur, and even their last meal undigested in their stomachs! Evidence suggests they were entirely plant-eating or herbivorous. Slightly larger than today’s elephants, mammoths had far longer tusks (up to 16 feet long) and smaller ears.

Most books say that mammoths first appeared 2 million years ago and died out about 10,000 years ago. This is based on their belief in evolution, but there is a better explanation.

While fossilized remains of mammoths have been found on every continent except Australia and South America, the Siberian Mammoths of the Arctic Circle are best known. Most dinosaur bones are found encased in stone as a result of Noah’s Flood. However mammoth bones are found in deposits near the surface throughout mid and high latitudes, in river valleys and occasionally in ice wedges. This suggests they were not killed in the Flood but died later in catastrophes at the end of the Ice Age, an aftermath of the Flood.

Today there are fewer than 50 known woolly mammoth carcasses, and only about half a dozen are complete. Still an estimated 50,000 tusks have been found or at least 25,000 animals. Estimates suggest there may have been a million mammoths living at one time. In fact, based on the breeding habits of modern elephants, biologists suggest that from one pair of mammoths coming off the Ark a total family line of over 8 million mammoths could be reached in just 550 years!

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