We Hear You -- By: Editors

Journal: Bible and Spade (Second Run)
Volume: BSPADE 27:3 (Summer 2014)
Article: We Hear You
Author: Editors

We Hear You


Attended The ABR Annual Banquet

We attended the ABR banquet last evening where we enjoyed learning about the fascinating Egyptian scarab found last year at the Khirbet el-Maqatir excavation. I wish it were possible for me to join next year’s excavation team. The highlight of the evening was the speaker, Gary Bates, CEO of Creation Ministries International. We really enjoyed the information he shared on Creationism. If you ever get the chance to hear him speak, I strongly recommend you take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to learn more about Creationism and how our world was created.

– Susan

Questions About Jericho

Dear Dr. Wood,

What are the linear measurements of the four sides of Jericho? Did you uncover any human bones? Were these people really giants? Do you believe that the Israelite forces were more than the forces of Jericho?

– J. Weaver

A Response By ABR Director Of Research, Dr. Bryant Wood:

Thank you for your kind letter. Here are the answers to your questions:

What are the linear measurements of the four sides of Jericho?

The fortified area of Jericho was an oval ca. 2 mi long x 1 mi wide occupying a total area of ca. 9 acres.

Michael Luddeni

Aerial view of Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho, looking south. The trenches and squares visible today are from Kathleen Kenyon’s excavations in the 1950s and the more recent Italian-Palestinian excavation which began in 1997.

Did you uncover any human bones?

Human bones from the time of the Conquest were found in tombs outside the city, as well as at least one infant jar burial that I am aware of inside the city. No casualties from the Conquest were found. This is not unusual as

survivors of such catastrophes recovered the bodies of the dead to give them a proper burial, as we do today.

Were these people really giants?

Remains for the cemetery would suggest that the people of Jericho were of normal stature.

Do you believe that the Israelite forces were more than the forces of Jericho?

A recent estimate of the population of Jericho placed it at 3,000. This would have been the number of people in the city under normal conditions. In time of danger, however, many more from the surrounding villages would have taken refuge inside the...

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