We Hear You -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Bible and Spade (Second Run)
Volume: BSPADE 28:3 (Summer 2015)
Article: We Hear You
Author: Anonymous

We Hear You

Question About Eighteenth Vs. Thirteenth Dynasty Exodus

Hi, I am very grateful for the work you guys do! I know you guys hold to an 18th dynasty exodus as well as I do. What do you say to those who hold to a 13th dynasty exodus like some of the creation sites hold to? Some of their arguments sound reasonable.

Thank you,

Clarence G.

A Reply From ABR Staff Member Henry Smith:

Dear Clarence,

Greetings in Christ!

The ministry of ABR believes that attempts to radically revise Egyptian chronology in the second millennium BC are not feasible. Please consider the following abridged portion of the Associates for Biblical Research Statement on Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Chronologies, which can be found at http://www.biblearchaeology.org/about/ancientneareasternbiblicalchronologies.aspx. I hope you find it to be a helpful summary of our position on this subject.

On Radically Revising Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian Chronology in the Second and First Millennium BC

1. ABR recognizes that the standard dating for Egypt before the Twelfth Dynasty (ca. 1979 BC) is highly dependent on 14-C dating. Based on the outermost possible date for the Flood from biblical texts tentatively outlined above (3150– 3300 BC), many of the dates given by the secular chronologies for both Egypt and other civilizations before 2000 BC are not viable and require revision because of this dependence on 14-C dating. However, we reject the notion that adjusting the dating of these dynasties in the third millennium BC (especially the Old Kingdom) necessarily entails a domino effect that demands the wholesale revision of Egyptian/ ANE chronology on the order of centuries down into the second and first millennium BC.

2. We believe that various attempts to radically revise (by centuries) conventional Egyptian chronology from ca. 2000 BC and down into the second and first millennium BC are unwarranted, unnecessary, and untenable.

Archaeological and historical dates from this period are derived from:

  • Written texts
  • Paleography
  • Astronomical data
  • Ceramic typology
  • Architectural tendencies and practices
  • Cultural practices
  • Major events in the archaeological strata (fires and earthquakes)
  • Treaties between nation-states
  • Royal decrees
  • Private communications

3. This enormous wealth of data all converges to assist the historian in determining reasonably reliable dates for events in the ancient world. Any particular piece of data can be crossed- checked versus other known data to test it for accuracy. We b...

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