A Look At The Baptist General Conference -- By: Myron J. Houghton

Journal: Central Bible Quarterly
Volume: CENQ 07:1 (Spring 1964)
Article: A Look At The Baptist General Conference
Author: Myron J. Houghton

A Look At The Baptist General Conference

Myron J. Houghton

To the writer’s knowledge, no article has gathered the factual material concerning the Baptist General, Conference set forth here. Primary sources have been used throughout. All of the material quoted in presentation of the Conference position is from Conference publications,; The Standard, The Clarion, or Bethel Seminary Quarterly, from published books advertised in The Standard, pamphlets published by the Conference,, or from, personal letters from Conference men. This study will consider three areas of the Conference. The organizational structure of the Conference is perhaps a key to its understanding. Every group will have its problems, sooner or later, but how they are solved will largely depend on the organization of the group. The next aspect is the general position of the Conference, to give the. reader an over-all view. Third, one should consider Bethel College and Seminary, because it is the only college and seminary of. the denomination. The saying is true that “as the school goes, so goes the Conference.” Bethel College and Seminary, training men and women to be the future leaders of the Conference, has a definite educational philosophy.

Loyalty to the Word of God must always come above loyalty to any man-made organization. If any organization departs from the Word, then true Biblical love would constrain its adherents to correct it. If any organization begins to head in a wrong direction, those who know the Word must be true to God rather than drift along.

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the Baptist General Conference is very closely-knit. Representatives from the churches of the Conference elect members to seven

boards which cover the areas of education, foreign missions, home missions, publications, Bible school and youth, men’s work and women’s work. From these various boards is chosen a board of trustees. It is described as: “Fifteen members, representing the various boards are vested with the responsibility for the corporate and general affairs of the Baptist General Conference. It is the coordinating agency and the legally responsible body for the affairs of the Conference. Lloyd W. Dahlquist is Executive Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and the General Secretary of the Conference” (“The Baptist General Conference at a Glance,” p. 3).

The Nature Of The Organization

(1) One headquarters. The fact that these boards are housed under one roof in Chicago is a silent testimony to a closely-knit organizational structure.

(Z) One school. Dr. David Moberg, professor of Sociology at Beth...

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