The Olivet Discourse: A Resolution of Time -- By: Ron J. Bigalke, Jr.

Journal: Chafer Theological Seminary Journal
Volume: CTSJ 09:1 (Spring 2003)
Article: The Olivet Discourse: A Resolution of Time
Author: Ron J. Bigalke, Jr.

The Olivet Discourse:
A Resolution of Time1

Ron J. Bigalke Jr.


Matthew 24–25 is crucial for every prophetic system. The key to understanding the Olivet Discourse is to interpret it consistently, noting the context and the Jewish understanding of the phrase the end of the age. Importing the church into this distinctly Jewish discourse confuses the interpretation. Asserting a past or present fulfillment of these future events also distorts the passage.

Interpretative Issues

Four possible views concerning the timing of prophetic events in the Olivet Discourse exist: preterism (past), historicism (present),2 idealism (timeless),3 and futurism (future). This article will consider the preterist and futurist views.

Preterism. The preterist view of the Olivet Discourse is that most, if not all, of prophetic fulfillment has already taken place.4 J. Marcellus Kik, a preterist postmillennialist, believes verse 34 is the key to Matthew 24:

We might term this key verse the “time text” of the Chapter. If the literal and well-defined meaning of this verse be accepted, then we shall quite readily perceive that the verse divides the

entire Chapter into two main sections. Section One speaks of events which were to befall the contemporary generation of Jesus. Section Two relates to events that are to occur at the Second Coming of the Lord. Verse 34 thus is the division point of the two sections.5

Futurism. Futurists believe that prophetic fulfillment is in an eschatological period. Consistent futurists view the Tribulation, Second Coming, and millennium as entirely future events for national Israel.

The only future prophetic event for the church is the rapture, which is imminent and without any signs. The fact that tribulational events will not occur during the present church age does not make world events insignificant. Present events may set the stage for fulfilling prophesies relating to the Tribulation. Thomas Ice remarks:

A good interpreter keeps the future in the future. If an event in a passage is to occur during the Tribulation, then it ca...

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