Editor’s Column -- By: Bruce A. Ware

Journal: Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Volume: JBMW 07:1 (Spring 2002)
Article: Editor’s Column
Author: Bruce A. Ware

Editor’s Column

Bruce A. Ware

By God’s grace, this issue of the journal offers a rich feast of biblical, theological, and pastoral materials relating to questions of manhood and womanhood. J. Carl Laney has been a faithful Bible expositor, teacher, and author, working out of Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon. Here, Dr. Laney provides an in depth overview of the history of interpretation of 1 Cor. 14:34–35, offering rich understandings of how this passage has been interpreted and helpful suggestions that propose his own view of this difficult and important text.

My article on the image of God covers some familiar ground, and then it attempts to apply a genuine complementarian understanding to this important theological conception, particularly as viewed by Paul’s expression of the image of God in 1 Cor 11:7–9. What we find here is that while both male and female are fully and equally image of God, there are differences in how they exist as God’s images, and this shows the true complementarity of the male/female relationship, as created by God.

Mr. Steve Heitland looks carefully at the question of complementarian roles as applied in the para-church ministry of YWAM. He uses as the backdrop for this discussion the recent publication of YWAM’s founder and director, Loren Cunningham’s egalitarian defense, entitled Why Not Women? Mr. Heitland traverses much of the argumentation of this book, offering helpful responses, and then he turns attention to the broader questions raised for women’s participation in a ministry such as YWAM. Readers will find insight and direction in Mr. Heitland’s reflections of these important questions.

Pastor Jim Andrews has both the gift of wisdom and a gift for colorful and insightful writing. I asked Pastor Andrews to show our readers a bit of how a thoughtful and biblically-balanced pastor reasons as he thinks through the question of the appropriate ministries for women’s service in the church. Church leaders will benefit greatly as they think along with Pastor Andrews, noting both the strong emphasis he places on the inestimable value of women’s ministries along with the proper boundaries within which these must occur.

Dr. Thomas Schreiner has taken on the task of writing a careful and lengthy review of a recent book that promises to play a significant role in ongoing discussions among egalitarians and complementarians. In Slaves, Women & Homosexuals, William Webb proposes a novel and deeply troubling thesis that the true authority for current ethical questions lies not in the pages of the Bible itself but in a post-biblical period that carries the bibl...

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