Annotated Bibliography for Gender Related Articles in 2003 -- By: Rob Lister

Journal: Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Volume: JBMW 09:1 (Spring 2004)
Article: Annotated Bibliography for Gender Related Articles in 2003
Author: Rob Lister

Annotated Bibliography for Gender Related Articles in 2003

Compiled and Annotated by

Rob Lister

Managing Editor Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Louisville, Kentucky

In this issue of the journal we profile some of the most significant gender-related articles from 2003. Here is a brief reminder about the categories we are using and our intent in using them. By Complementarian we simply seek to designate an author who recognizes the full personal equality of the sexes, coupled with an acknowledgment of role distinctions in the home and church. By Egalitarian then, we intend to classify evangelicals who see only undifferentiated equality, i.e. they see no scriptural warrant for affirming male headship in the home or the church. Under the Non-Evangelical heading, we have classified important secular works as well as articles that broach the subject of biblical gender issues from a religious, albeit, non-evangelical point of view. This category also serves as our classification for Liberal scholars wanting to retain some sort of Christian identity. Finally, under the Undeclared heading, we have listed those articles that do not give sufficient indication of their fundamental stance for us to classify them more specifically.

Complementarian Authors/Articles

Bray, Gerald. “Review Article: The Trinity and Subordinationism: The Doctrine of God and the Contemporary Gender Debate.” Churchman 117 (2003) 267-272.

On the issue of gender role relationships, Bray finds that Kevin Giles (author of The Trinity and Subordinationism) writes with an “all-too-transparent bias” and that in a sweeping manner “he dismisses biblical texts which do not fit his thesis.. . (271). On the Trinitarian question, Bray rejects Giles’s argument that the Son’s submission to the Father is only temporal and thus limited to the incarnation. Bray rather maintains that this submission is part of the eternal relationship of Father and Son, though he personally cautions against using the term “subordination.” Here Bray allows that the term (“subordination”) can have a “perfectly orthodox meaning,” but he is personally concerned that it will be misunderstood in the current context.

Ennis, Patricia A. “Portraying Christian Femininity.” Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 8/2 (2003) 47-55.

Ennis sketches a portrait of Christian femininity by way of expositing Prov 31:10–31. In so doing, she highlights eleven distinctive features emphasized in the passage. Upon completing her exposition, Ennis turns to other biblical passages to demonstrate what possible rewards might come to ...

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