2 Peter: A Supplementary Bibliography -- By: Richard J. Bauckham

Journal: Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Volume: JETS 25:1 (Mar 1982)
Article: 2 Peter: A Supplementary Bibliography
Author: Richard J. Bauckham

2 Peter: A Supplementary Bibliography

Richard J. Bauckham*

The recent bibliographies by Snyder1 and Hupper2 have collected a considerable amount of literature on this neglected NT letter. As a result of my own work on 2 Peter, I can offer the following additions (I have not listed commentaries, dictionary and encyclopedia articles, or works of NT introduction). Some of the most interesting scholarly work on 2 Peter can be found in forgotten older books and articles as well as in mongraphs on other subjects that include discussion of some aspects of 2 Peter.

Aubineau, M. “La thme du ‘bourbier’ dans la Littérature grecque profane et chrtienne.” RSR 33 (1959) 185-214.

Baltensweiler, H. Die Verklärung Jesu: Historisches Ereignis und synoptische Berichte (ATANT 33; Zürich: Zwingli, 1959) 26-28.

Barns, T. “The Catholic Epistles of Themison.” Expositor 6/6 (1904) 369-393.

Bauckham, R. J. “The Delay of the Parousia.” TB 31 (1981) 3-36.

———. “2 Peter: An Account of Research.” Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ed. H. Temporini and W. Haase; vol. 2/25/2; Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, forthcoming).

Berger, K. “Hartherzigkeit und Gottes Gesetz, die Vorgeschichte des antijüdischen Vorwurfs in Mc 105ZNW 61 (1970) 1-47.

Bishop, E. F. F. Apostles of Palestine (London: Lutterworth, 1958) 218-222.

Blinzler, J. Die neutestamentlichen Berichte über die Verklärung Jesu (NTAbh 17/4; Münster; Aschendorff, 1937) 17-18, 30–31, 71–76, 87, 153.

Boobyer, G. H. St Mark and the Transfiguration Story (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1942) 43-46.

Bretscher, P. G. “Exodus 4:22-23 and the Voice from Heaven.” JBL 87 (1968) 301-311.

Cavallin, H. C. C. “The False Teachers of 2 Pt as Pseudo-prophets.” NovT 21 (1979) 263-270.

Dalton, W. J. “The Interpretation of 1 Peter 3:19 and 4:6, Light from 2 Peter.” Bib 60 (1979) 547-555.

Danker, F. W. “2 Peter 1: A Solemn Decree.” CBQ 40 (1978) 64-82.

Deissmann, G. A. Bible Studies (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1901) 360-368.

Dillenseger, P. J. “L’authenticité de la IIa Petri.” Mélanges de la Faculté orientale de lUniversité Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth 2 (1907) 173-212.


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