A Select Annotated Bibliography -- By: Jonathan Armstrong

Journal: Reformation and Revival
Volume: RAR 12:3 (Summer 2003)
Article: A Select Annotated Bibliography
Author: Jonathan Armstrong

A Select Annotated Bibliography

John H. Armstrong

Carse, James. Jonathan Edwards and the Visibility of God. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967. A helpful study that demonstrates Edwards’ belief that God is made known through the works of his people.

Chai, Leon. Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Chai argues that Edwards’ thought is quite close to Enlightenment rationality and tries to show what these connections mean.

Cherry, Conrad. The Theology of Jonathan Edwards: A Reappraisal. Glouchester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith, 1974. The standard stereotype of Edwards as a hell-fire preacher and a worshiper of a wrathful God is challenged and corrected by this scholarly work.

Daniel, Stephen. H. The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1994. A comprehensive analysis and redefinition of Edwards thought as a philosopher.

Delattre, Roland André. Beauty and Sensibility in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1968. Perhaps the best book on the importance of aesthetics in Edwards.

Edwards, Jonathan. The Works of Jonathan Edwards. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. This multi-volume series began in 1957 and is projected for completion this year. The volumes include masterful introductions and important historical background. For serious work on Edwards there is no better source. Also included are thousands

of pages of material never previously published. The treasure these works provide will undoubtedly allow a new generation of scholars to know and understand Edwards better.

Edwards, Jonathan. The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Two Volumes). Revised and corrected by Edward Hickman with a Memoir by Sereno Dwight. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1974 reprint of 1834 edition. This is the older set which was the best we had until the above Yale series. Still a good investment for the ordinary reader, though the type is very small.

Edwards, Jonathan. Treatise on Grace and Other Posthumously Published Writings Including Observations on the Trinity. Edited with an Introduction by Paul Helm. Cambridge, England: James Clarke, 1971. The essay by Helm is very helpful and this work on the Trinity one of Edwards’ most important contributions to theology.

Fiering, Norman. Jonathan Edwards’s Moral Thought in Its British Context. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina, 1981. A controv...

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