Three Expository Discourses on Genesis -- By: Andrew Fuller

Journal: Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
Volume: SBJT 05:3 (Fall 2001)
Article: Three Expository Discourses on Genesis
Author: Andrew Fuller

Three Expository Discourses on Genesis1

Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller (1754–1815) was a Baptist pastor and served churches in Soham and Kettering, England. Historically, he is perhaps best known as a friend and supporter of William Carey. Among his many works, “The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation” (1785) is most familiar to modern readers. The Expository Discourses included here are taken from volume three of The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller, reprinted by Sprinkle Publications.

Discourse IV.
The Fall Of Man
Genesis 3:1–7

We have hitherto seen man as God created him, upright and happy. But here we behold a sad reverse; the introduction of moral evil into our world, the source of all our misery.

There can be no doubt but that the serpent was used as an instrument of Satan, who hence is called “that old serpent, the devil.” The subtlety of this creature might answer his purposes. The account of the serpent speaking to the woman might lead us to a number of curious questions, on which, after all, we might be unable to obtain satisfaction. Whether we are to understand this, or the temptations of our Lord in the wilderness, as spoken in an audible voice, or not, I shall not take upon me to decide. Whatever may be said of either case, it is certain, from the whole tenor of Scripture, that evil spirits have, by the Divine permission, access to human minds; not indeed so as to be able to impel us to sin without our consent; but it may be in some such manner as men influence each other’s minds to evil. Such seems to be the proper idea of a tempter. We are conscious of what we choose; but are scarcely at all acquainted with the things that induce choice. We are exposed to innumerable influences; and have therefore reason to pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil!”

With respect to the temptation itself, it begins by calling in question the truth of God.—Is it true that God has prohibited any tree?—Can it be? For what was it created?—Such are the inquiries of wicked men to this day. “For what are the objects of pleasure made,” say they, “But to be enjoyed? Why did God create meats and drinks, and dogs and horses? What are appetites for, but to be indulged?” We might answer, among other things, to try them who dwell on earth.

It seems also to contain an insinuation that if man must not eat of every tree, he might as well eat of none. And thus discontent continues to overlook the good, and pores upon the one thing wanting. “All this availeth me nothing, so long as Mordecai is at the gate.”

Ver. 2, 3. The answer of Eve seems to be very ...

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