A Light To The Nations: The Missional Church And The Biblical Story -- By: Anonymous

Journal: Southeastern Theological Review
Volume: STR 02:2 (Winter 2011)
Article: A Light To The Nations: The Missional Church And The Biblical Story
Author: Anonymous

A Light To The Nations: The Missional Church And The Biblical Story

STR Interviews Dr. Michael Goheen


STR had the privilege of talking with Dr. Michael Goheen on the publication of his monograph on the missional church and the biblical story. He is the Geneva Professor of Worldview and Religious Studies at Trinity Western University (USA), Teaching Fellow in Mission and World Christianity at Regent College (Canada), Fellow in Mission and Worldview Studies at The Paidea Centre for Public Theology (Canada). Despite these significant academic achievements, Mike cannot be accused of living in an ivory tower apart from the gritty realities of the church on the ground! He has served in ministry throughout his life and presently is a minister of preaching at New Westminster Christian Reformed Church in Burnaby, British Columbia.

Mike’s work is characterized by a distinctive integration of topoi: biblical studies, worldview, mission and theology. His previous publications deal with precisely these topics from particular angles. In his co-authored volume (with Dr. Craig Bartholomew) The Drama of Scripture: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Story (Baker Academic, 2005), Mike traced the contours of the biblical story articulating the central themes of the kingdom of God and covenant. The goal of the redemptive-history presented in the Bible is the actual coming of the kingdom of God which is consummated in new creation. The insights from Drama are brought to bear on the topic of worldview in his co-authored volume (again with Dr. Craig Bartholomew) Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview (Baker Academic, 2008). In this volume he articulates a biblical worldview that is grounded in the biblical story and one that confronts the counterfeit worldviews of the day. Expanding from this same worldview emphasis, Goheen co-edited a volume with Erin Glanville entitled The Gospel and Globalization: Exploring the Religious Roots of a Globalized World (Regent College, 2009). The volume articulates how Christians within the context of a Christian worldview might provide a faithful and constructive response to the powerful cultural force of globalization.

Each of the previous volumes helps to set the context for A Light to the Nations. All have in common a deep rootage in the biblical story. Each volume observes and evaluates reality through this biblical witness. Each volume professes that God’s ways with creation find their climax in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The church is then related to God and world in Christ, and they find their purpose and direction in and through God’s previous activity of redempti...

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