The Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews 11 -- By: Steven M. Baugh

Journal: Westminster Theological Journal
Volume: WTJ 68:1 (Spring 2006)
Article: The Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews 11
Author: Steven M. Baugh

The Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews 11

S. M. Baugh

S. M. Baugh is Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, Calif.

I. Introduction

Hebrews 11 is almost universally regarded as a display of the “heroes of faith” whose valiant “assurance” (ὑπόστασις) and “confidence” (ἔλεγχος) for which “they were commended” (ἐμαρτυρήθησαν) we are to emulate.1 In large part, this common interpretation is inspired and reinforced by highly questionable traditional renderings of key terms listed above from Heb 11:1–2, which continue on in newer English versions despite well-founded objections in lexical and scholarly authorities.2

This situation is understandable, because when one renders the passage properly it comes across as enigmatic or ironic at best and unintelligible at worst.3 Scholarly interpretation of the passage is not always clear and, curiously, often devolves to the popular view in the end despite awareness that its basis in translation is faulty.4

My understanding of Heb 11 proceeds from the author’s presentation of the OT believers recorded in the biblical record as recipients of divine testimony to the coming eschatological realities, and thence by faith they became participants in and witnesses to the world to come.5 It was by faith that the “elders” (Heb 11:2)

acted as instruments of redemptive revelation, and hence they became the “cloud of witnesses surrounding us” (Heb 12:1).6 Therefore, Heb 11 bears directly on the author’s conception of the nature and central theme of the OT Scriptures as an organic unfolding of redemptive revelation, and this chapter powerfully witnesses to his hearers that they cannot reject Christ, the Reality, and go back to a supposed “old time religion” of the OT era.

To substantiate my interpretation, I will briefly review the lexical evidence for the key words in Heb 11:1...

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